For Startup & Small Business Founders…
For Startup & Small Business Founders…
For Startup & Small Business Founders…

Scale Your Business by Leveraging Data
to Build Systems & Automations

Scale Your Business by Leveraging Data
to Build Systems & Automations

Scale Your Business by Leveraging Data
to Build Systems & Automations

without wasting time and money on freelancers and software solutions that don’t understand your situation

without wasting time and money on freelancers and software solutions that don’t understand your situation

without wasting time and money on freelancers and software solutions that don’t understand your situation

If you're a startup or small business founder…

You need to be using data to understand your business and identify opportunities to scale

If you’re reading this, chances are you already know you should be using data to improve decision-making and fuel your company’s growth

Yet, you’re probably running into the same issues most business owners are:

  • You’re not sure exactly where to start

  • You have limited time and resources for data

  • Your data is messy and hard to make sense of

  • Your data lives in multiple sources that don’t talk to each other

  • You have questions you’re unable to answer with your off-the-shelf analytics tools

Instead of focusing on growth, you waste time

  • Trying to do everything yourself

  • Finding, hiring and onboarding project-based data freelancers

Sure, you can hire freelancers to build one-off reports, analyze a set of data, or solve other specific data needs

But most freelancers are there to build a thing, get paid, and move on

Ideally, the person who helps build the thing…

  • Is also the one who maintains it

  • Can see the bigger picture beyond the thing

After all, using data to drive growth is about putting the right systems in place, not solving one-off problems

The right systems will give you peace of mind that

  • You know your business is on track

  • You’ll spot bugs before your customers

  • You’ll prioritize activities that have the greatest ROI

  • You’ll have a pulse on the strong and weak points of your business

  • You’ll identify operational inefficiencies before they eat away at profits

  • You’ll make decisions based on data and not intuition, feeling, and emotion

If any of these points resonate with you, keep reading and I’ll show you how we can help.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Our Process


You can’t improve what you don’t measure, and it’s hard to prioritize without seeing the full picture.

This is why the first thing we’ll do together is audit and benchmark your current state, so we can define a clear roadmap of what problems we’re going to solve and how we’ll measure success.


Weeks 1-2

Your Time Commitment?

2 one-hour calls + the time it takes to give me access to relevant data, documentation, and systems


It’s much easier to scale with the right systems and automations in place. This might mean…

  • setting up KPI dashboards that give you a clear understanding of where your business is doing well and where you have room for improvement,

  • automating manual tasks so you can focus on what’s really important, or

  • building reports that help you identify inefficiencies

But you have to walk before you can run. Depending on your current state, we may need to…

  • perform some data cleanup, or

  • redesign existing, or implement new, data collection processes

During this phase, we’ll drive the execution while checking in to ensure we’re delivering quality solutions that work for you.

Once we build the foundation, you’ll be on your way to turning data into growth.


Weeks 2-12

Your Time Commitment?

Depending on your needs and how fast you want to move:

  • 1 one-hour call per week or

  • 1 one-hour call every other week


With the foundation set, we’ll make sure you have the continued support you need to keep the wheels turning. Here’s a few things you’ll get in this phase:

  • Training & documentation

  • Analytics monitoring plans for any dashboards we’ve built so you know

    • who’s responsible for checking it them,

    • when they’ll be checked (specifically what days and times),

    • what you’re looking for or what questions you’ll attempt to answer, and

    • what actions you’ll take as a result of what you find

  • Error monitoring & troubleshooting

  • Support with ad-hoc questions & decision-making

We focus on maintenance so you have room to focus on growth.


Weeks 12-24

Your Time Commitment?

1 one-hour call per month

Our 100% Satisfaction Gaurantee

We’re invested in your success. When you win, we win.

You’re free to leave whenever and won’t be charged. I’ll transfer you ownership of anything I’ve set up to ensure you can keep it running on your own. After all, it’s your data, not mine.

How to Get Started

1. Click the Get Started button below to fill out a quick form and make sure you're a good fit

2. I’ll send a link to schedule a kickoff call at a time convenient for you